Monday we celebrated the 4th birthday of our little miracle at NLCH--Michelle (Michy). Michy came to live at NLCH in January 2008. At 8 months old, she weighed just 5 lbs. After a number of doctor visits, feedings every 2 hrs, growth hormone injections, and even testing in the U.S., the cause of Michy's small size was finally discovered--she is a primordial dwarf. I still recall the night I saw pictures of Michy and her siblings posted on Daniel and Kara Harris' blog just after they'd arrived at NLCH. I was overwhelmed with amazement as I marveled the Lord's hand of protection over Michelle's life. According to the info we had at that time, Michelle's mom was an alcoholic and drug addict and gave birth to Michelle at 7 months. Even more unbelievable is that fact that Michelle only weighed 1 lb at birth, and despite the mother's unhealthy state and the severely dangerous and poor location the family lived in, Michelle survived. I recall telling my roommate that night and many nights thereafter as I kept up on Michelle's status that God had big plans for Michelle's life. There was no reason she would still be alive if he didn't.
The more I get to know Michelle, the more certain I am that God does have great plans for her. She may be little (she's weighing in somewhere around 11 lbs these days), but she has a very big personality! She's determined, almost to a fault; her small size won't keep her for doing great things. And as you might expect, she gets LOTS of attention everywhere she goes. I can't wait for the day when she takes that attention and turns it into an opportunity to share of God's great love, faithfulness, and grace. And what great examples the Lord has given her to learn from living with the directors of NLCH, Kendon and Wendy Wheeler!
I feel tremendously blessed to be a part of Michy's life and I can't wait to see where the Lord leads her in the future. Please pray for wisdom for Kendon and Wendy as they raise Michy, and for good health for our little miracle.