Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Trip "Home"

Long time, no post. I know. But how about a fantastic picture to make up for it! :)

I travelled to Villa Nueva over Independence Day weekend (Sept. 13-16) to spend some time visiting my favorite little guys back at NLCH. Although I left at 4:30 AM with a huge migraine, the smiles and laughter of the little guys (and a bit of medicine) made everything better. This picture was taken of me playing with Adolfo--the newest kid at the Home--maybe an hour after I arrived. It was such a refreshing weekend being back with those little ones and it filled me with so much joy to be able to love on them again. I think the picture shows that though. :) I'd upload more but I think I'll have to wait until I have a better internet connection. School is going well and I love my students, but I'm definitely looking forward to a trip back to Villa Nueva for Christmas!