A couple months back I was at Church when a little boy caught my eye and put a smile on my face. We were finishing up the praise and worship time, which in Guatemala is loud and joyful, to say the least. I looked over and saw two little boys curled up on the chairs presumably asleep. As the song finished, the church broke out in applause (also very common). Still watching the little boys, I noticed one begin to clap. He was too tired to even open his eyes, but he seemed unable to keep from joining in the worship!
Just over a week ago, I went to the evening service at church. Right across the aisle from me, a beautiful little girl—no more than two—running around and enjoying herself during the worship. She ran up to her dad, who picked her up and set her on his shoulders. The dad continued to worship, eyes closed, one hand raised and the other sustaining his daughter. Then, it was as if the daughter wanted to join in the worship. She sat there smiling on her dad’s shoulders with both hands raised and her gaze fixed somewhere between straight ahead and looking upward. It was beautiful.
After both these incidents, I simply couldn’t help but think we were MADE TO WORSHIP. There’s so much in this world that distracts us from it, but there’s something in our hearts that inclines us to praise the very One who created us.