Well, it seems to be taking far too long to upload pictures and I've still got lesson plans to finish by the morning (we turn them in every Friday) so here are just a couple pictures of my classroom. The classroom is very small, but there actually is still a little more to show...maybe next time. I also have some cute pictures of my 13 adorable students, but I may just take a group shot and post that another day. The class is great. I'm really having a lot of fun with them so far and still can't believe it's my very own class! Sometimes I think about it in the middle of the day and can't help but smile. More to come later...
Our calendar area (a little of it got cut off in this pic, but you get the idea)
The whiteboard, Our class rules, A monkey themed alphabet chart, and perhaps one of my favorite things--one of those posters on the far side is a monkey-themed reading strategy poster. Also...about our class rules. The bananas are a little messy b/c one the first day I took them all off and the kids each wrote their names on a banana saying they agreed to our class rules. Then they got to decide where their banana went. (Yes, those are the Wilmore Elementary rules! :)
This pic came out really dark, but you can see my big welcome sign and the beautiful curtains that I bought the fabric for and had a Guate and Colombian friend make using a pair of scissors and a hot glue gun! They look SO much better than the other old curtains in the school! And they only cost about $20.
My bulletin board that I LOVE!!! I was going to put each child's name on a monkey but then decided that might be too much. The tree part along the side is actually felt and it's stuffed so it sticks out and is "3-D".